Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tips to increase Vista Shutdown Speed

I've been using Windows Vista for more than two years...
It's going smooth..
Many people using Vista are concerned with increasing
the shut-down speed of their lappy or pc..
If you're having a freshly installed OS you won't be having
much problem with the shut-down..
But if your system is not formatted for a long time,
you will be pissed off with the delay..
It is for such a situation that I'm suggesting some cool tips..

If you're a high-end professional working with secure data,
I regret for this is not meant to you..Forget this..
If you're an end-user then you can try this..

It may be useful to create a restore point before you
try registry edit so that even if you make a mistake you
can easily recover...

Tip 1: Disable clearing the page file at shutdown

Page File is one which stores the User Activity Data
Although many people prefer to have the page file
cleared on shutdown for security reasons,
it does increase the shutdown time...
If the speed of things is more of a priority than security,
you can prevent Vista from clearing the page file by
completing these few simple steps

I am giving snapshots for you to understand easily

Press the Windows key + R in your key board
A window like below will pop up..
Type the command regedit and press enter

The following window will pop up..

Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemoryManagement
(See the yellow highlighted portion)

Double click ClearPageFileAtShutdown.
Change the value to 0
Click OK
Close the Registry Editor.

Tip 2:Change the value of WaitToKillServiceTimeout

When you shut down Windows OS, it attempts to end all services that are
currently running. If a service does not respond nor shuts down, Windows
will wait a specific amount of time before forcing the service to end
Minimizing this time will have a nice impact on your shutdown..

Repeat the above procedure until you reach CurrentControlSet/Control
In the details pane, double click the WaitToKillServiceTimeout. The default
value may be 8050 milliseconds or 8.5 seconds.

Change the value to to 5000
Don’t try below 5000.
The system may hang up causing problems…


  1. Dude, vistayoke pandu...upgrade to WIndows 7.. quick and easy..with brilliant graphics.

  2. Ya im agreeing,,
    Win7 has got advanced interface..
    But You cant just simply forget te past nop?
    Good that you visited.
    What about the poor Vista Users?
