Monday, November 21, 2011

Fun in tonnes

Live ammo granted !!

Foggy perpective..

Unlimited Entertainment..

Friday, November 18, 2011

My prayer to God(1)


Oh ! Lord make my life harder so that I will be strong enough to handle any situation.
Oh ! Lord make me suffer more so that I'll emerge from that fire as pure as gold

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The last hug

"Had I known you were going to leave me forever,
I would never have been that reluctant to give you that
extra hug for which you waited a while at the door"

(Dedicated to all those who missed their dear ones
in the M5 Crash and also to those brave soldiers who
sacrificed their lives for their countries)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thank You !!

Oh dear Lord ! Thank You for making me enjoy every second of my life.
I realize that the peace from you is the most precious thing I could
have in my life.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The first quality of a professional

A professional makes complex things look simple..


The purpose of education is to make life simple
,not complicated.Many people will agree with me.
But the task of elucidating simple answers from
complex problems in education is complicated,
which inturn make the life complicated.

Still we can't abandon the education as a whole.